🔒 WORLDVIEW: An awesome resolution for 2017 – Dream big. It works.

By Alec Hogg

There are advantages to being an only child. Or a shy, socially awkward kid. They are more likely to discover the joy of reading early. And learn that within the covers of a humble book lie friends and adventures beyond their imagination. Like other great investments, a love of reading deliver ever growing dividends.

Warren Buffett and Charlie Mugner


In time, one also learns to be more discerning. I’m always on the lookout for recommendations from wise people and a couple of years back at the Berkshire Hathaway AGM, paid attention when Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger advised us to pick up Dream Big. It was a recent translation from Portuguese chronicling Berkshire’s new private equity partners 3G Capital of Brazil.

Think about the title for a moment. Here were two of the world’s most talented business practitioners urging their disciples to read a book promoting the antithesis of their rationality. Dreaming is, well, for dreamers. Business, we’re taught, is about logic and numbers. Not all that airy-fairy stuff. That’s for artists.

But Buffett and Munger will be just as quick to tell you the world is not a binary place. The most rational of beings can also be those who possess the most audacious dreams.

Until hearing him at a PSG Konsult conference a couple years ago, I’d never heard of Kevin Gaskell a tall, slim Brit who describes himself as a businessman who occasionally gives talks. Gaskell is a turnaround specialist – a man bankers and investors call in when all hope appears lost. He delights in achieving the impossible.

He happily shared his secrets with the 1 500 of us in the audience, because to him they aren’t. The road to success, I remember him saying, starts with a dream to create something extraordinary because that’s the only thing that inspires passion, provides a common purpose. Only then does the magic happen.

Gaskell says every plan begins with a dream big enough to align the team and provoke and incentivise them properly: “People are extraordinary and they enjoy making a difference. Having a dream is the start of that process. It’s rare that you are able to outspend the competition. But you can always out-think them.”

His host that day, PSG founder and super-successful entrepreneur Jannie Mouton’s followed up with some excellent advice of his own: “Believe in yourself. Have a dream. Read a lot, look at every opportunity, dream it and then formulate your plan. A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder.”

Mouton’s favourite quote is from Winston Churchill who said “a pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; the optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” As we are all on this mortal coil for such a short spell, why not make the most of it? By dreaming again. Starting right now.

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