How to slash odds of dying in a road accident – and save cash on your insurance

It’s built into the DNA at SA’s fastest growing financial services group Discovery that incentives change behaviour. The group transformed the medical aid market by offering people an incentive to self-medicate, eat healthier and only visit medical professionals when absolutely necessary. The principle is being successfully applied to car insurance where the three year old … Read more

What drives South Africans to invest in Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway?

Berkshire Hathaway has, again, reported a big jump in quarterly profits. What is it that keeps the company performing year after year, and keeps investors coming back time and again? In this interview, SIM Global head Kokkie Kooyman talks about Berkshire’s ability to pick winners, and about the deep ethical commitment that has won investors’ … Read more

Trevor Manuel

South African life assurance industry’s Hiroshima

Trevor Manuel

December 14, 2005

Her face was one big snarl. Although dutifully recording my responses her whole look shouted out: who do you think you are, you upstart know-nothing? Actuaries, doctors, other people infinitely smarter that you have calculated our commission structures. Who are you to criticize them?

This was 1984, the year of Orwell’s Big Brother. The power of life offices was at its zenith. A time before Robin McGregor sold out to the Evil Empire, when he still railed about four groups controlling 80% of corporate South Africa. And how three of them were assurance companies.

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