The old must die. The new must be born – Athol Trollip
ActionSA’s Athol Trollip details his extensive political background from his early days in a new and infant democracy post 1994.
The BizNews Conference (BNC) held annually in Hermanus during March. The event moved to Hermanus after the first five were hosted at the Champagne Sports Resort in Central Drakensberg. The format is highly interactive, with each presentation comprising a 20-minute keynote from the podium, a 20-minute interview with BizNews founder Alec Hogg, and a 20-minute Q&A with the audience.
ActionSA’s Athol Trollip details his extensive political background from his early days in a new and infant democracy post 1994.
RW Johnson explores some of the decisions taken by the ANC which led to the tragic predicament the country now finds itself in.
Rob Hersov discusses his ideas on governance in South Africa, calls out current Cabinet Ministers and reprimands President Cyril Ramaphosa.
In September last year, global entrepreneur Rob Hersov rocked South Africa with a hard hitting speech at the BizNews Conference.
SA’s top money manager Piet Viljoen reckons JSE-listed shares will continue to outperform those on Wall Street for some time to come.
Chris Pappas, born in Mooi River and the son of KZN Midlands farmers, describes himself as pragmatic but also “a hopeless idealist”.
Prolific author RW Johnson is known among fans and foes as a Rhodes scholar who became an Oxford Don and an outspoken critic of the ANC.
At the launch, BizNews founder Alec Hogg sat down with Paul O’Sullivan for a fascinating discussion on the stories he reveals in the book.
This year’s Spring conference will be opened by lawyer-turned-extreme-athlete Kim van Kets, who personifies South Africa’s deep potential.
In this article, Zille is at pains to point out her analysis of the next 10 years in South Africa and how the DA should position itself for the future.