Paul O’Sullivan is an ace forensic investigator who has put graft-tainted individuals behind bars. He is credited with bringing down the seemingly untouchable former Police Commissioner Jackie Selebi. For some years now, he has been building a case against SAPS Commissioner Khomotso Phahlane, who he describes as “a criminal with a badge“. Thanks to O’Sullivan’s efforts, the country’s ‘top cop’ and his wife were formally charged in February 2018. Against them is an open and shut case of corruption involving cars the Phahlanes were given by a businessman accused of bribing his way into some big police contracts. Phahlane was arrested in November 2018 in connection with procurement irregularities amounting to R80m and faces charges of fraud‚ forgery and uttering. Despite all of this, Phahlane and his wife have been sitting at home on full pay for the last three years and provided with top lawyers to defend them – at public expense. Now, Phahlane has finally been fired for dishonesty, some four-and-a half years after O’Sullivan opened the corruption docket against him. O’Sullivan, the Founder of Forensics for Justice, hopes that it is finally clear to some in the police that when he sets his sights on nailing corrupt cops, he does not stop until the job is done. – Nadya Swart
Paul O’Sullivan’s summary of outcome of Phahlane’s disciplinary enquiry:
Now that Phahlane has finally been fired for dishonesty, some four and a half years AFTER I opened a corruption docket against him, it should be clear to some in the police, that when I set my sights on nailing corrupt cops, I do not stop until the job is done.
Despite years of false arrests, detention, torture, seizure of passports, multiple raids on my offices and the kidnapping of my staff, I have stood resolute and will continue to do so until the job is done and the criminal justice system has been uncaptured.
A VERY BIG thanks to all those cops that did not bend in the face of rampant corruption and in particular I take my hat off and congratulate Captain Boitumelo Ramahlaha and Colonel Sandragasen Moonsamy, both of whom paid a massive price for being honest. With more people like Moonsamy and Ramahlaha in the police, this country would have a very bright future.
The disgraceful manner in which they were both singled out by criminals such as Phahlane and Ntlemeza makes one realise we still have a long way to go in cleaning up the mess.
Sadly, if the police service was not infested with dirty cops, Phahlane and his wife would not have been sitting at home on full pay for the last three years. They would have both been fired three years ago. It did not help having ministers of police knee-deep in shenanigans.
I also hope that the State will STOP paying for private lawyers for dirty cops in the future. BDK have made an absolute fortune out of the lies they have been spinning for Phahlane. In other cases, ie Warrant Officer Vlok, he is provided a Senior Counsel to defend him on the criminal charges he is facing.
The State did not provide free lawyers for the police officials that were victimised by dirty cops, such as Moonsamy, Ramahlaha, Sibiya and so on, yet when the real criminals get caught, they are provided top lawyers at public expense.
It’s wrong and it’s got to stop.
The End of the Beginning
Phahlane’s dismissal is not the end of this corrupt mess. Nor indeed is it the beginning, but it is certainly the end of the beginning. I will not take my foot off the gas, until Phahlane has been sent to prison for life. Fifteen years will not be enough for him. What he did makes Selebi’s crimes pale into insignificance. Only life will be enough of a deterrent for any future like-minded dirty cops.
Phahlane and Ntlemeza both made many corrupt appointments at senior rank. Each and every one of the appoints these people made, need to be scrutinised and the appointees sent packing, if they are found to have been appointed wrongly.
Many more police officers, aided and abetted Phahlane and Ntlemeza, either passively or actively. I know who they are and the process is under way to single them out and expose them.
There follows a list of senior cops who will be requested to explain their conduct, or in some cases lack of conduct, in the last five years:
- Lt General Nneke (Jim) Ledwaba, Provincial Commissioner of Limpopo
- Lt General Elias Mawela, Provincial Commissioner of Gauteng
- Lt General Bonang Mngwenya, Deputy National Commissioner
- Lt General Lineo Ntsiea, Divisional Commissioner, HR
- Maj General HC Morakaladi, Deputy Provincial Commissioner of Limpopo
- Maj General Scheepers, Deputy Provincial Commissioner of Limpopo
- Maj General N Zulu, SAPS Headquarters, Pretoria
- Major General Prince Mokotedi, Unlawfully appointed erstwhile Head of DPCI in Gauteng
- Brigadier H Mulaudzi, propaganda for criminals in the police
- Brigadier Sally de Beer, propaganda for criminals in the police
The above list is NOT exhaustive and there are many more names to be added.
I shall not give ground and will leave no stone unturned until the criminal justice system is back in the management of decent cops that serve their country, instead of a corrupt agenda.
Generals Godfrey Lebeya and Khehle Sitole might be in charge of the DPCI and the police, but they are not yet in control.
As I said to Selebi in 2001 and to Phahlane and his side-kick Mulaudzi in 2016 and say now to any dirty cop that fancies he/she will escape scrutiny:
Stop me if you can!
Finally, Phahlane,
Please tell your wife to look after that mansion you built with the proceeds of crime. When you go to prison and it is sold on auction, I want to buy it and sell it on at a profit, to try and recover some of the millions you have cost me over the years.
- Veteran broadcaster Tim Modise, hosts a free-to-air webinar where he and the Biznews community ping questions at a high profile guest. This week it’s the head of the country’s great hope in the fight against corruption, Special Investigating Unit head Adv Andy Mothibi. Unmissable.