By Dr Geoff Howes*
Two perceptions bedevil our electorate, block thinking, and delay change necessary to move on.
In “the old days” conservatives would agree that it was time for change but come the moment of decision to place the cross, “ek stem soos my Pa” would overpower reason, and the same Government would remain, almost by default !
Little has changed . The pens that hold the power of the voting cross are different, but the same happens now. The new driver is “I’m black, so I must vote ANC”. This is just not so.
It is the future we are voting for, not the past ! We must all therefore choose the political route that offers the best prospects for our Future. Look around for examples which work, and those which don’t. The Past has gone, and no longer matters, except to reflect mistakes and successes.
The second perception that opens wrong doors is the simple phrase “Our People”. Who are these ? We are not owned by a political party, which knows what “our people” want. Surely we must not show blind allegiance to be led by the nose from leaders who have a poor track record ? It’s the other way around – we should own the Party which must do what we want and need, without fraud, corruption and “jobs for pals !”
So ……… on the 7 May, let’s be led towards the Future of South Africa, not by the Past, for the Government we reason will deliver what we want and need! Nelson Mandela did this.
We are mostly loyal South Africans now, with a common, shared Future. It is only the quality and principles of Leadership that matter, illustrated often by examples set in their personal lives.
It is time to bury cadre deployment without merit causing failed service delivery, poor audit and corruption this brings.
* Dr Geoff Howes is a retired Ophthalmologist and a former President of the profession’s society. In the 1960s he was part of the founding of the Progressive Party led by Jannie Steytler and Zac de Beer.