I have been reading your articles regarding the latest Ponzi scheme (Cobus Kellerman and Co) with great interest. My family and I were victims of the now liquidated Dynamic Wealth, and are still trying to recover from other people’s blatant greed.
There are many names of the alleged criminals (the court case continuous) that are permanently engraved in my mind. I am not on a witch hunt, but stand amazed at the fact that so may of these “know” fraudsters move from one scheme to another enriching themselves at the cost of innocent investors. How is it possible that these vultures just carry on living a life of obscene luxury without hardly ever being brought to task?
One name I recognised was that of Mr Johann van Tonder. He is listed on the Clarus Asset Management website as one of the executives. On his Linkedin profile he proudly displays his previous experience as that of DynamicWealth Asset Manager. My wife and I had a meeting with him when the CMM saga broke when he looked us straight in the eye,promising that Dynamic Wealth was a reputable company, above board and that our investment was safe. That when he knew that Dynamic was investigated by the FSB.
Birds of a feather…
*Detlev is a member of the Biznews community