By Alec Hogg
Rowing an entrepreneurial boat has confined me to the fringes of SA’s journalistic community. Yesterday reminded me of its benefits. Our story quoting TMG chief executive Andrew Bonamour and his outgoing Media Division CEO Mike Robertson drew brickbats aplenty. I was accused of being a naive, misguided PR man. Such is the bile and internal politics in industries that are contracting.
Hearing that everything supposedly began unravelling at TMG’s annual strategy session in March got me thinking about ours. After being hard at it for a year and a half, the Biznews team also took two days off in March to collectively reflect. Our session left us inspired, focused and imbued with renewed vigour. The result was light years better than many similar “bosberade” I’ve attended over many years.
It helps to be a small, tight unit. But I’m sure the real difference was entrusting the process to Tracey Swanepoel of Thinkspiration, the MBA instrumental in creating much of what became The Harmony Way. Tracey roped in her famous mining entrepreneur husband Bernard and together they, and we, made magic. All of us left inspired and excited about tomorrow. And as a team, we know exactly where we are headed.
Judging by some of the awful stuff that hit my inbox yesterday, TMG obviously didn’t have the Swanepoels running their get-together.
Yesterday’s top five stories
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