By Alec Hogg

After spluttering and coughing my way through last week’s heavy workload, the body finally caught up on the weekend. My wife, who knows lots about these things, says flu is nature’s way of slowing us down. After two and a bit days in bed, I feel sufficiently “slowed” to tackle another fascinating assignment this week – the 25th annual Africa Summit of the World Economic Forum. The event – and our coverage – starts Wednesday.
While I was flat on my back, stirring only to bolster Kimberly-Clark’s turnover, my colleagues Justin and Rowan did the final switchover to our new look website. Our first attempt some weeks ago stalled and then was halted entirely. With thousands of moving parts, making changes to a website as complex as Biznews is a major challenge. Switching the entire look and feel is like climbing Mount Everest.
But this time the changeover went smoother than silk. Rewarding the duo for their weeks of planning and preparation. If you haven’t experienced the new please go have a look. We’re very proud of our brilliant colleagues. And believe you, too, will applaud their efforts. We’ve come a long way since August 2013.
Yesterday’s top stories:
Forget about ‘brain drain’. Corporate South Africa is leaving the country – warnings
Comrades winner Wöstmann: I pushed myself to the limit
Mbalula: We paid $10 million, but it wasn’t World Cup bribe
Cees Bruggemans: Remedy for a troubled soul
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