
Gold trading game changer hits the OTC market

Equity Express is about to launch a new offering that injects a game-changing amount of liquidity into the market, which can be traded over-the-counter OTC.

Breaking: Gold trading game changer to hit the OTC market

There are more Krugerrand coins in circulation than any other minted gold coin in the world, the Krugerrand also holds the title as the most widely held and traded bullion coin in the world. Where gold prices have historically been dictated by their set market price, Equity Express is about to launch a new offering … Read more

Timothy Wood: Gold – the ultimate Rand Hedge

By Alec Hogg It’s exactly a year today that Biznews first appeared. My first call this morning was to my friend Andrew Trench, editor of The Witness. It was only right. Andrew spent hours over weekends guiding me through the complexities of WordPress, replicating the Grubstreet look and feel built in his spare time for his … Read more