From CEO SleepOut™:
As more and more businesses shift their focus to making a positive social impact, so too, does corporate philanthropy efforts, become increasingly popular. How do business owners and entrepreneurs know that they’re investing in a worthy cause? The annual SleepOut™ Movement is one such initiative that C-Suite members, influencers and decision-makers from organisations throughout South Africa (including IQbusiness) choose to invest their time and money in. But when it comes to raising funds for worthy causes, is the juice really worth the squeeze?
As stakeholder partner of The SleepOut™ Movement, and in light of this year’s fast-approaching event, IQbusiness conducted a thorough analysis report of previous years to determine the ROI of the initiative, which aims to create awareness around homelessness in South Africa. The findings, while not surprising, are indicative of the real impact a movement of this nature has countrywide.
Previous successes
Last year, Door of Hope, a home for abandoned babies, was chosen as the movement’s primary beneficiary because it tackles the five pillars that can end homelessness for the country’s most vulnerable children. Door of Hope provides shelter, nutrition, education, health and community to these vulnerable young citizens, and seeks to integrate them into loving homes. The aim of the 2017 SleepOut™, which IQbusiness was fortunate enough to be involved in, was to raise awareness about the plight of the approximately 3,500 babies that survive abandonment every year, and the heart-breaking number who don’t – for every child that survives abandonment, as many as two die.

In addition to showcasing the plight of vulnerable children and generating funds to support them, a separate SHE-EO SleepOut™ took place last year on the eve of Women’s Day, focusing solely on women executives, influential female leaders, and the challenges they experience in being acknowledged for their skills and abilities. In 2017, only 28% of business leaders in South Africa were women, a fact thrown into sharp focus by the smaller number of attendees at the event. Despite there being only 57 participants, the SHE-EO SleepOut™ still raised R5.4 million, of which half (R2.7m) was donated to Door of Hope.
A total of 53 further satellite SleepOuts took place in 2017 and raised goods to the value of over R5m, to benefit 14 designated beneficiaries. In 2017, these beneficiaries were all baby homes and places of safety. One of the movement’s greatest points of impact has also been the inclusion of young ambassadors, learners that joined Schools SleepOut™ events, and experienced the deep personal fulfilment that comes from participating in such causes.
During its three years in South Africa, we’ve been able to determine through our IQbusiness analysis report that The SleepOut™ Movement managed to raise a total of R52.7m. It donated R38.3m to five primary beneficiaries, which all underpin the five pillars of ending homelessness, and contributed goods and services to the value of R3.5m to five secondary beneficiaries. The movement has seen 187 satellite events held to date, with additional donations of goods to the value of R1.3m apportioned among 300 beneficiaries.
“This impact narrative shows what IQbusiness has known instinctively since 2015 that The SleepOut™ Movement is a life-changing initiative. That is why we are a stakeholder partner,” says Stephen Smith, Associate Partner: Sustainability and Impact Measurement. “Impact narratives essentially humanise dry and unrelatable data to show on-the-ground impact that a drive is having. In the case of the SHE-EO SleepOut™ and broader SleepOut™ Movement, this impact narrative shows how the millions raised have helped to transform lives.”
What’s to come
On Wednesday, 11 July 2018, IQbusiness’s own Adam Craker will join company CEOs hoping to contribute towards making South Africa a better place. This year’s primary event addresses three important pillars: community, education and nutrition. The SleepOut™ will be raising donations for Liliesleaf Farm and Museum and The Qunu Food Security Project – 2018’s primary beneficiaries.
“IQbusiness believes that businesses exist for more than profit and revenue; they exist to make a meaningful difference in the lives of their employees, the communities in which they operate and their societies,” says Smith. “That is why we are a certified B Corporation and recently-named winner of the Conscious Companies Award for 2018. It’s also why we will continue partnering with The SleepOut™ Movement.” Smith concludes by saying, “We want to grow people, grow business and grow Africa by helping to solve the social, economic and environmental issues facing South Africa and the continent.”
View the full IQ Business social impact analysis report from the 2017 event.