By Alec Hogg
Inspiration is everywhere. Sometimes we just need to know where to look.
The £2 is the highest denomination coin in the UK and the only bi-metal one in circulation. Its regular reverse side symbolises the history of technological progress from the Iron Age to the Internet, a fascinating design.
But it is the inscription on the side of these coins that can provide daily inspiration. They carry an abbreviation of a quote by visionary scientist Isaac Newton who, in a letter to a friend 340 years ago, wrote “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”
There is much to be learnt from those who walked the earth before us. Especially from those often vilified by revisionists choosing to ignore undeniable contributions, focusing only on failings. Former newspaper editor Wilf Nussey applied his mind to destruction being wrought by these modern day iconoclasts. It’s on Biznews this morning.