By Alec Hogg
A sorry part of the human condition is an ability to feel sorry for ourselves. We are easily drawn into a web of anger and resentment through real or imagined slights. The best antidote is to cast our eyes towards the less fortunate. At a personal or even national level.
Those South Africans depressed at the rapid fading of Ramaphoria might look north. And consider for a moment the misery of Hungarian-born billionaire philanthropist George Soros, who this week moved the headquarters of his Open Society Foundations from Budapest to Berlin.
Last time I saw him, in Davos, he reminded us that “each generation has to reaffirm its commitment to open society for it to survive.” Today’s Hungarians haven’t absorbed that fact: 48% of them voted for a right wing authoritarian whose election campaign demonised Soros.
They accused the 87 year old of, inter alia, hatching a “secret plan” to undermine the christian culture by flooding Europe with muslim immigrants. Soros has finally buckled to an authoritarian government’s crackdown on NGOs in general and himself in particular. Compared with that lot, Ramaphosa’s ANC look positively saintly.
Comment from Biznews community member Yuri:
You would do well researching deeper into Mr Soros’s underhand sponsoring of destabilizing riots across the globe via the ardent liberal Leftist Movement, who at the end of the day are nothing short of delusional Socialists calling for the end of basic Western family social fabrics and economic structures as we know it.
And we know where that all ends …… [hello Venezuela, and work your way back in history through the decades and string of failed Socialist governments going back to Eastern Europe origins].
Alec, you of all people should be aware of this.
Please stop fawning over people just because they’ve accumulated extreme wealth, and perhaps look past the obligatory ‘philanthropy’ to find out the deeper mechanisms always at play here.
It could do you well to not necessarily tow this dominant Leftist mainstream party line, as this unpleasant tide will eventually turn, and those who never spoke up will be fingered.