As we have come to expect from the Biznews community, there was a quick response to our 2019 Election poll with more than 1,000 completing our survey within 24 hours. If you haven’t done so yet, click here for the link.
Given that Biznews readers are better educated and earn more than the average, it’s obviously not reflective of South Africa’s general population where social grant recipients outnumber taxpayers three to one. But the results do provide useful insights into the way our slice of the voting public are thinking.
For one thing, there is a clear reflection of them using their vote more strategically than in the past. Among our respondents there is a strong weighting towards the Democratic Alliance at the provincial level, but with many of these voters looking elsewhere for National Parliament.
Another surprise is how the newly created ZACP scored among our readers, pulling 16% of the respondents at a national level, higher even than the ANC. But the Ramaphosa factor is strong, with the incumbent comfortably outscoring other presidential candidates.
It’s still early days, but #Election2019 looks like delivering some surprises.