Journalism is a fickle trade. People tend to drift into it by accident, but usually leave by design. That’s primarily because relative to the skillset required, the long hours and responsibility carried, the craft is poorly remunerated. That makes its most talented actors rather easy pickings for those running less principled and better paid alternatives.
But for some, this isn’t a job. Indeed, there can be no higher calling, like for the late Barry Sergeant, an LLB. I remember him telling us in the recruitment interview that he wanted in because journalism is the most noble of professions. Done right, it surely is. And like Barry, our Biznews colleague Jackie Cameron has always done it right.
This week Jackie reminded me this is the 20th year the two of us have been working together, an incredible milestone deserving of far more than mentioning it in this missive. Because I’ve yet to meet her peer. She is a true professional who shifts easily from taking on titans and scallywags to producing dictatic masterpieces that transform the lives of thousands.
Thanks for the decades Jax. And am assuredly joined by (almost) every member of the Biznews Community in looking forward to savouring more of your uniqueness over the next 20 years.
*PS – As you read this, I’ll be in the 2020 Budget lock-up which opens at 6am today. The fruits of those labours will be available on the site from 2pm today. And if you are able to, please join me from the comfort of your home at 7pm this evening for our traditional (interactive) post-Budget Webinar. It’s free but you do need to pre-register; do so by clicking here.