Sometimes an hour feels like forever. At other times it flies past in an instant. Yesterday’s Noontime Thursday webinar fell firmly into the second category.
FirstRand’s founders Laurie Dippenaar, GT Ferreira and Paul Harris gave generously of wisdom and experience built through half a century of business excellence. A few of those close to their story – Johann Rupert, Adrian Gore, Michael Jordaan and Roger Jardine – weighed in with cameo roles.
It inspired advocate Paul Hoffman of Accountability Now to spontaneously send us a superb assessment of the webinar highlights. You’ll find his piece by clicking here. The recording is on Youtube. It’s likely to be widely watched and referenced for years to come. Here’s the link: editor Jackie Cameron hosts her Finance Friday webinar at noon today with her guests, the splendidly independent moneycraft experts Candice Paine and Dawn Ridler. It’s interactive and open to all – but you do need to sign up beforehand. Here’s the registration link:
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