With hindsight, one of our better decisions in recent years was introducing the BizNews community to OrbVest, the US medical property syndicate started by South African entrepreneurs Hennie Bezuidenhout, Martin Freeman and Justin Clarke. Many of our tribe invested into this niched, high-yielding hard currency operation years ago – when Rands bought a lot more dollars than nowadays.
The three drivers, all of whom previously founded successful businesses in SA, created OrbVest to house their own offshore investments. As the business grew, they opened it up to others through a customised tech platform that enables a minimum investment of $5,000. OrbVest has floated off 39 highly-niched medical properties which are now co-owned by investors from all over the world.
Freeman, the CEO, emigrated to New York some years back to be more hands-on. To spare him yet another pre-dawn engagement, we’ve moved tonight’s webinar from our usual noon slot to 7pm. So grab a coffee (or a glass of Wildekrans if you’re so inclined) and join us this evening. The webinar is open to all BizNews community members, but you do need to register – here’s the link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5597580033598121741.
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