Solidarity media statement
The Solidarity trade union today addressed a request to the liquidators of the Aurora debacle to investigate President Jacob Zuma’s nephew, Khulubuse, following his name being mentioned in the so-called Panama Papers.

“Khulubuse Zuma’s name was implicated with about 140 people who are under suspicion of having used banks, law firms and foreign front companies to conceal their assets,” said Gideon du Plessis, General Secretary of Solidarity.
“We have approached the liquidators dealing with the Aurora case to investigate Khulubuse Zuma. We would like to know at what stage Zuma transferred money to Panama and whether it was during or shortly after his term as a director of Aurora,” said Du Plessis.
The liquidators have also been requested to bring a court application to freeze all Zuma’s offshore assets since it appears that he is hiding money abroad in view of the pending appeal judgment by the Highest Court of Appeal brought against Mr Justice Bertelsmann’s High Court judgement against the Aurora directors in 2015. In that case, Zuma and his fellow directors were found guilty, jointly and severally, of damage amounting to R1,7 billion because of their reckless and corrupt management of the Pamodzi mine assets. “If the appeal fails, Zuma and his fellow directors will have to comply with the order, or else they will be sequestrated should they fail to comply,” said Du Plessis.