The remedy for greater executive health and wellness

*The content is brought to you in partnership with Discovery Health

By Dr Ryan Noach*


In a fast-paced environment often characterised by long hours, physical inactivity, eating on the go and high-stress environments, it can be difficult to lead a balanced lifestyle. Studies show the majority of business leaders believe it is more stressful to lead companies today than it was just five years ago. With increased demands on time and performance, the needs of a business leader, executive teams, and busy professionals are unique and exceed the realms of standard wellness screening and intervention. Discovery Health understands this, and has designed a bespoke solution suitable for employers and people who perform under consistent pressure and need personalised tailored support to balance health and wellness with the demands of work and life.

The solution: A bespoke Executive Wellness offering, centred around convenience, personalised follow-up and of course clinical excellence through leading technology and professionals. This personalised experience gives all leaders and executives in areas of mental and physical wellbeing the support you need to identify steps to remain healthy and perform at your peak.

“With Discovery Executive Wellness, we have aimed to design a full health and wellness assessment that is tailored to the unique needs of high-performing executives in every field of society, and of course designed for convenience for these inevitably packed schedules. Workplace stress and the consequent physical demands are increasing with the speed of business accelerating, with significant risk to all of us. Our leading professionals are empowered through the latest technology to provide a holistic assessment of health and wellness. Working in a team, their personalised recommendations help each individual to address risks and reach an optimal state of health,” says Dr Ryan Noach, Deputy CEO of Discovery Health.

Interventions offered during the Executive Wellness Experience have seen executives’ lives being saved. One Executive was recently identified to have a blocked coronary artery following an abnormal ECG reading and the BOSO stroke risk assessment, and quick intervention following the GP and Bio consultation avoided an imminent heart attack.

Make time this year to place a focus on your executive team’s well-being. Discovery Executive Wellness can customise offers for different business executives based on your needs, the size of the group, location and the overall risk profile. You can choose the Prime Executive Wellness offer (1 hour) performed at a convenient location. Or visit the Executive Wellness Centre in Sandton, where you have access to the Prestige Executive Wellness offer (up to 5 hours). The Executive Wellness Consultants can confirm pricing structures and tell you more about Personal Coaching Programmes Executive Wellness and other options.

Dr Noach says, “This service has benefited our leaders immensely, and many other executive teams. The responsibilities and pressures working with the requirements of healthcare business are demanding and often leave very little time to focus on your own heath. Discovery Executive Wellness is the perfect solution to have an overall assessment and get comprehensive feedback on screening and examination results.”

  • Dr Ryan Noach is Deputy CEO of Discovery Health.
  • For more information and to visit the Executive Wellness Centre, please contact our Executive Wellness Consultants at [email protected] or phone 011 539 3932. They are available to give you a guided tour of the facilities. Kick off with an Executive Wellness experience to ensure you are ready and well for a successful year. Take a look at the two-minute video of Discovery Executive Wellness experience on the Discovery YouTube channel.

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