Sleep well at night with a financial cushion for support

Perhaps, as wealth psychologist Ilze Alberts details below, people underestimate the value of opening and valuing a savings account. We live a very fast-paced lifestyle these days and it’s easy to become caught up in the desire for more and more. We tend to have “far more desires for our money than money for our desires” – that’s why savings accounts are important.  Whether they serve as a back-up plan for tough financial times or provide the means for an early retirement, saving up is always a win-win, no matter what. Life is unpredictable, but we can add an element of control to it by investing and saving our money responsibly. For those of you who aren’t already aware, Biznews has a Global Share Portfolio whereby anyone from experienced investors to laymen can get an idea of and learn what it’s like to invest in markets and earn some money. Well worth taking a look at. – Tracey Ruff

*By Ilze Alberts

What are the things that grip you at night and interfere with your well-deserved rest? Is it not often times worries about money? Or worries about the wellbeing of your family?

I am a keen follower and study the mind-set and life strategies of billionaire and philanthropist, Warren Buffett. Studying how he does it has had a profound impact on my financial insights.

Buffet emotions money

I have also been a keen follower and study the mind-set and method of polymath and human behaviour strategist, Dr. John Demartini and he has taught me the following:

“Emotions represent scattered energy and when you are fragmented with emotions, you act with fear. You are in financial bondage when you are emotional. To the degree that you master your emotions, to the degree you are able to manifest wealth at will.”

George S. Clason wrote in 1926 in his more-than-two-million-books-sold book titled “The richest Man in Babylon”:

“Money is plentiful for those who understand the simple laws that govern its acquisition.”

Think and grow richOne of my all-time favourite books I have read and studied is “Think and Grow Rich” Napoleon Hill. He says in this book:

“Anybody can wish for riches, and most people do, but only a few know that a definite plan, plus a burning desire for wealth, are the only dependable means of accumulating wealth.”

What is the basic principle that these wise and wealthy men know that you can learn from? I read over and over the following principle “Value yourself” in the different teachings from them. When you are gripped with fear and insecurity about your finances, it usually is not because you lie awake at night wondering how you can wisely invest and grow your already fat purse.

It rather is about your flat and empty purse and having far more desires for your money than money for your desires. Fear and insecurity are emotions that destroy wealth and the more anxious and uncertain you feel about your financial situation, the more you stay locked in a poverty mentality.

One of the wisest ways to help you to sleep well at night on your financial cushion is to have a mind-set of saving. What helps you to moderate and neutralize your emotions is a cushion designed to free you up to live your dreams. When you know you have a cushion of money in a savings account (an account you use purely to be the cushion), your emotions will be more stable whenever you get a financial challenge or surprise expense. The magic of a savings account you save in monthly as a way to value yourself is the money makes money through compound interest. Your money grows, even in your sleep. Savings

A savings account is your investment account in yourself, in your emotional wellbeing and your emotional stability. Is that not worth any of your excuses you have that you cannot afford to save? How much is your emotional and financial stability worth for you? Every amount you save is an investment in you.

“When you are emotional, you make unwise decisions rapidly” – Warren Buffet

*Ilze Alberts is a Wealth Psychologist, Master Cerfied Demarni Method® Facilitator, Author and international speaker.

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