By Genevieve Quintal, News24
Pretoria – The ANC national executive committee (NEC) has described Gupta-owned media’s coverage of the party this week as “reckless journalism”.
“The NEC expressed its utmost disgust at the arrogance, disrespect and reckless journalism displayed by the New Age newspaper [March 18, 19 2016], ANN7 news channel [March 16-18 2016] and representatives of the Gupta-family,” secretary general Gwede Mantashe told reporters in Pretoria on Sunday.

“They have characterised the ANC as a group of factions for and against President [Jacob] Zuma.”
The New Age and ANN7 reported about an alleged plot involving high level ANC members to topple President Jacob Zuma.
In reports that news station ANN7 and newspaper, The New Age, have been carrying since Thursday on the #ZumaMustFallBrigade, it was claimed that there were two factions in the party, one involving the “generals” and the other called “the rebels”.
This came after reports surfaced last week that the Gupta family were offering Cabinet positions to ANC officials.
The family is said to have strong ties to Zuma, his family and other ANC leaders.
The Guptas have denied that they had met with any officials and offered jobs and challenged those who were making the accusations to provide proof.
The family also sought to defend itself in a two page advertisement spread published in The New Age newspaper on Friday titled “Gupta Family, The Inconvenient Truth”.
The Guptas had listed a number of “accusations” levelled against them and countered each one with their version of the truth.
Mantashe on Sunday said the NEC also condemned reports in City Press and other media outlets on Sunday which contained similar allegations.
“The ANC reserves its full rights to take the necessary action in this regard,” he said. –Â News24