Issued by Roger Jardine
29 February 2024 – Change Starts Now (CSN) was launched in December 2023, recognising a desperate national crisis. We understood then what our research has since shown us: South Africans are demanding political change, and their expectations and demands for a political alternative are not being met.
Ours and independent research, tells us that only 41% of voters want to vote for the African National Congress (ANC). However, South Africa’s dilemma is that not enough voters see current opposition parties as an acceptable alternative.
In a short time, CSN established a significant national following and launched our Change Charter – a manifesto for hope – widely acknowledged as a pragmatic vision for how we kick-start our economy and drive inclusive development and social solidarity. With this vision for a better future, CS was gearing up to build a political compact of millions of like-minded South Africans and political formations who share our mission of offering citizens a vision for the change they are demanding: a new government, made up of honest, competent people who want to rebuild the country, deliver on our constitutional values and rights and expand opportunities for everyone so that millions of people can escape poverty and prosper.
Unfortunately, the recent Constitutional Court ruling and the barriers it imposes on newly established political parties means CSN, like several other parties, faces a prejudicial, logistical timetable to qualify for the ballot.
We have therefore taken a decision that, while we believe that it is essential to give voters as much encouragement to vote by providing them with a range of options, in the interests of increasing the chances of political change, we offer support to political parties who share our values and the aspirations that we believe voters are looking for.
Our research and our engagements with South Africans tells us that while people are abandoning the ANC, a lot of political work is needed to unite South Africans behind a shared vision for the future of our country. Therefore, CSN will continue to work on, champion and advocate for the ideas in our Change Charter. We call on all South Africans to participate in the democratic process and to vote in these pivotal elections.
We remain committed to bringing together capable, experienced, and dedicated citizens from all walks of life who are ready to work together to reclaim our future. Said Roger Jardine, “I continue to believe in the importance and obligation of an intergenerational group of dedicated citizens with experience in politics, business, and society, who will work collaboratively to change our country.”
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