SA’s dogmatic socialists, determined to apply economic policies which failed everywhere else, have discovered a convenient scapegoat, justifying nuclear millstone.
National police spokesperson Lieutenant-General Solomon Makgale confirmed his boss‚ Police Commissioner General Riah Phiyega‚ had sent a text message telling Kohler Barnard to “Eat your heart out. I am not made by you and cannot be undone by you”.
The City of Cape Town has expressed its concern that Sanral’s decision to toll roads in the Cape Winelands may follow the same contentious route as Gauteng.
RW Johnson reckons in all probability, the ANC will suffer losses, which will see the party fall back into a defensive crouch as it tries to hold on to what it’s got.
Rudderless and cash-strapped is the state of SA’s biggest state-owned enterprises, after the ANC failed to heed warnings about a lack of leadership, oversight and strategic vision.
Democratic Alliance leader Mmusi Maimane has called for the government to cancel the R1 trillion nuclear build procurement process as a first step to salvage the SA economy.
“True experts know the limits of their knowledge.” Ponder on that as you read Myeni’s breathtaking perspectives in this rare interview granted to News24.
RW Johnson says a combination of factors makes it very difficult to imagine that the current downward drift can be reversed by any conscious act of government “reform”.
South African President Jacob Zuma said on Tuesday ministers would review new visa rules that have hit tourism and stoked tensions within the ruling party.