Bloomberg has reported that at least one million people in Johannesburg are in need of food aid as a result of the lockdown restrictions imposed to curb the spread of the coronavirus. Furthermore, Human Rights Watch carried a piece which said that South Africa’s Covid-19 food aid programmes were biased, overlooking refugees and asylum seekers and adding to an already tough situation. Vulnerable households have faced an uphill battle during these months of the lockdown. It has been heartwarming to see people and organisations from all walks of life responding and providing food relief to them. Also helping have been people who are also experiencing hard times – losing their jobs, businesses and other means of income. I applaud the human spirit to think of others before oneself and to be part of the solution, instead of the problem. This latest photo essay captures the efforts of many who have gone to great lengths to provide help where needed. Please feel free to send your pictures on how the lockdown affected you to my email address [email protected]. – Lindiwe Molekoa
Covid-19: South Africa (in pictures)
From Bloomberg: 1 million people need food aid in Africa’s wealthiest city

Daily life as lockdown dims South Africa’s economic outlook

From Facebook:
Olga Torovyk shared:
Hospitality industry protesters were dispersed by police. Stun grenades, water cannons were used at protesters.
Action Aid South Africa shared:
#ActionAid South Africa delivered food parcels in Muden #Kwazulu Natal to a group of #women who are small scale farmers. ActionAid South Africa Country Director, Nondumiso Nsibande, stated that “the lockdown restrictions on movement, increased caretaking burdens, gender-based violence, and other impacts which hamper women’s ability to cultivate land and engage in other agricultural activities”.
(Below) ActionAid South Africa is in Kuruman, Northern Cape, to deliver food parcels and to introduce a growing in the bag initiative which meant to strengthen communities capacity in growing vegetables using bags.
(Below): ActionAid South Africa Country Director, Nondumiso Nsibande was in Mokopane to assist communities with basic needs during these difficult times. The focus was on child-headed homes, single parents and the elderly.
Nondumiso said “We are not just living through a public-health crisis, but an economic one.Through unpaid care work, women still effectively provide a huge subsidy to the paid economy.
Women are the ones who are affected the most by the spread of the Corona Virus for one important reason- women make up most of the care workforce in the face of this pandemic and there is little or no recognition of their contribution in compensating them for the value of their unpaid care work. This is another form of exploitation and it should not be allowed to continue.”
Mandisi Disi Sindo shared:
It is always amazing to them to always bring food on the table for their families. Being part of our programme is more than just learning how to act but also becomes a home for those in need. Today was a special day. #COVID #Stacey #KASIRC #Khayelitsha
Day 100 of our Creative Soup Kitchen!!! We fed more than 5000 people, gave 1628 food parcels, 2362 Masks and 1356 Sanitizers and more than a thousand bags of oranges during COVID 19 pandemic in South Africa.
That time of the day… each one eat one!!! #KASIRC #KhayelitshaArtSchool
Niall Mellon Townships Initiative, USA shared:
While the impact of Covid-19 has no geographical borders and affects both rich and poor, it has been especially devastating to those living in developing nations.
The crowded conditions in the townships have made the spread of the coronavirus a difficult challenge to overcome. Poverty and hunger in the most deprived areas are mounting daily.
Your past generosity has meant so much to us as we carry out our humanitarian work. Recognizing that there are many people now suffering right here in the U.S., we would be especially grateful to our friends who are also able to lend assistance to those in South Africa living in desperate conditions and looking to the U.S. for relief.
We have organized an online “virtual walk” to South Africa; our volunteers walk as they raise funds for Mellon Educate. Please check out my page at
Hayley Viedge wrote:
More South Africans are dying from hunger and poverty than the corona virus.
Hungry Mouths shared:
Three million South African’s have lost their jobs as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. This creates major issues for our economy as poverty and crime increases and the availability of jobs decrease. More and more individuals and families need the help and support from those you are able, in order to help improve their own lives and support their families.
#HungryMouths #BeTheChange
(Below): 2012 survey statistics have shown that 26% of South African’s experience hunger. 19.2% of that population live in Gauteng. These numbers continue to rise during these trying times. #HungryMouths #BeTheChange
Humans of South Africa shared:
Sethani Community Centre shared:
We are excited to be one of the community partners to distribute a hundred food hampers through a wonderful collaboration with Concerned Citizens Covid-19 and the Robin Hood Foundation.

Help us document how Covid-19 is affecting South Africans. Please send your pictures to: [email protected] and [email protected]