This short video opens a treasure chest of information available on the Share Prices pages of Apart from tables of the biggest price movers and most actively traded shares, a click of a button provides information on every counter traded, plus short and long term price graphs of each JSE-listed share. One of the most useful tools on Biznews. Invest a few minutes to benefit forever. Especially handy for share traders. Video works best when you watch it in full screen (click on the right corner of the bar at the bottom of the video). For easier reference, the transcript is below the video. – AH
ALEC HOGG: Today, we’re going to have a look at how to use the Share Price page on
There you have your home page. Go along the top on the menu bar, onto JSE data, click onto JSE data and a dropdown menu presents itself. Share prices are amongst them, and this is what we’re going to have a look at today.
When you click on the Share Price area, a treasure chest of information about the action on the Stock Market on the day, opens up for you. As you can see here, we have today’s winning shares, the losing shares, there’s a graph of the All Share Index, and then the biggest volume traded – that’s in the number of shares. You can see Seardel’s on top of that list (one-point-four-million on this day) and value…Naspers along there – the value of R122m traded on this day.
But this is where it starts getting interesting. Let’s look at the winning shares, for instance. Today, amongst the winners, is Brait. There’s an interesting one. It’s up two-and-a-half percent today. Let’s see how the Share Price has traded in the last little while. Well, at the click of a button, it comes up with Brait’s share today, which has moved up very nicely. It started the day around R76.70 and is trading (as you saw a little bit earlier) at its current price there, of R78.65. Better than that, you can see how it’s performed over one month, three months, one year, and three years.
The interesting thing about Brait is that we do know it is subject to the transaction between Steinhoff and Pepkor and that Brait owns a big pile of Pepkor’s shares, which are going to be changed into Steinhoff shares. They’ve agreed to do the deal. However, this Share Price movement in the last three days suggests that maybe the selloff after the transaction was announced might have been overdone. You can pick up all of this information by simply having a look at the Share Price graph.
Looking at the downward side, there’s one that’s done very well recently, but not so well at the moment – Sibanye – down by five percent on this day (R21.04)
Again, click on the name. It brings up the Share Price graph and you can see that over the period of time that you want to look at, albeit one or three years. It’s done terribly well over three years, since July of 2013 but in the last few months of this graph – not so good.
Another useful indicator or facility that you can use on the Share Price page here on Biznews is by having a click on ‘ALL’. It will bring up every single share that has traded on the JSE on that particular day.
Today’s biggest volume trader…there they are: all of the shares, right down to the share that traded the least – Caxton. One share in Caxton traded today. It’s very strange to see. It wasn’t the only one, which only had one share traded. I often wonder why someone even bothers to buy a single share, but I guess they have their reasons and that share was traded at R15.20. If you want to then have a look at the Caxton performance over any of these periods, it hasn’t done terribly well, has it – over the last three years. You can click on that Share Price graph and it will give you all the indications.
Well, there’s a way of using the JSE Share Price action tab on Biznews. If you want to go back to the homepage, you simply click on the homepage tab at the top.