From Biznews community member Nceba Aggripa Khoza*
Our country is a democratic state and not a dictatorship.

Dictatorships are commanded by an elect few who make decisions for the people without seeking consent from them.
Democracies on the other hand exist to function for the people where the people make the decisions and the officials execute them.
When people vote (majority rule), they are voting for employees as it were who will execute the decisions they come up with. This is not the case in South Africa. We are not asked but rather, told what’s good for us. Prime example being the e-toll which the majority rejected, yet it was built either way.
The solution is to bring the power back to the people through technology.
I propose an app that would function on most phones that would enable digital voting on every aspect of our government. Whatever great government projects to be started would be stated in the app and the people would vote on whether to continue or stop the project.
No democracy, including the advanced America, has executed this system but all deceivingly claim that their democratic governments are ‘for the people and by the people’.
It is better to have a dictatorship which states clearly that the people have no say, than to have a supposedly superior ‘democratic’ government that speaks purity while actually being a super dictatorship at its core.
I propose an app because the officials would make the prime excuse that spot votes would be too costly to carry out. (Voting stations and so forth)
With the app, there are no structures for people to drive to nor are there any long ques. Its a matter of replying yes or no in the comfort of your seat.
There is no need for ANC, DA or IFP. Its a matter of presenting officials who can do a particular job and voting them in or out. The French brought the renaissance because they saw a system of governance that they didn’t agree with and thus changed it.
Democracy as it is, falls dead deep in the territory of dictatorship. This must changed because how can we be ruled by a government or system that does not work for us.
Things as they are were made by humans and it is those same humans who must change them for the better. We cannot be saying ‘ this is how things are ‘ as a defeatist would.
Dictatorship, communism, socialism and democracy are all man made systems. We have to choose a system that will catapult us into to a renaissance of our own because democracy as it is, world over has become another dictatorship that must be replaced with something that works.
We have never asked important questions, this is why politicians continue to fool us.
For example, who said there must be political parties? Why are they there, how should they operate, what role do they have in society, who makes the decisions and who does he or she consult.?
We have let a system we know nothing about rule us. How deep is the level of our stupidity?
I propose a government where there are no political parties but rather competent officials who are voted in or out by the people based on their performance through the use of the app.
I hope this idea will be published by you so as to wake the people of South Africa and all “democratic” countries worldwide to the fact that democracy is failing and as such must be replace with something that works. We voted Zuma in, why can’t we vote him out, is an example of what I propose.
It should not be DA or ANC that decides but rather, the populace.
Let the people vote for who they want, what they want and how they want it and not be told who they want, what they want and how they must want it as is the current case. E-toll is a super example.
A government for the people and by the people.
- Nceba Aggripa Khoza is originally from Katlehong but was raised in Benoni. He’s an artist but more so a solution orientated individual who seeks out problems with the intention of solving them in whatever industry or sphere. His political party is the people and himself. And asides from everything, he loves epic movies, DIY projects, go-karting, paintball and making art. And in the future he’ll go skydiving and bungee jumping all around the world.