From Biznews community member Daniel Sutherland
I just want to know how it is possible that minister Pravin Gordhan could possibly be targeted over allegations of a so called SARS “rogue unit”, first reported on by the Sunday Times.

The Press Ombudsman, in a ruling, slammed the newspaper for its “inaccurate, misleading and unfair” reportage of the matter.
The Sunday Times did reach an agreement with the affected parties like Ivan Pillay and Johan van Loggerenberg, and gave them a right to reply in their newspaper, although they never consulted them before they first published the story.
They retracted their so called “rogue unit” story, and said “they got certain things wrong”.
News24, commentator Max Du Preez, in an opinion piece on News24, alleged that the false stories about the SARS unit had been deliberately leaked as part of a project “to discredit and undermine several state agencies that tried to investigate Zuma and some of his wealthy friends and to replace their leadership structures with Zuma loyalists”.
So to me, it is clear that there is a witch hunt against Mr Gordhan. The reason is that he is against the project of state capture, by Zuma and the Guptas.
Very important to mention is the Russian nuclear deal, where Zupta could be beneficiaries, through the Guptas and Duduzane Zuma’s shareholding in Shiva Uranium.
Should Mr Gordhan be replaced, to remove him as an obstacle to state capture, he will obviously be replaced by a man Zuma can trust, who won’t question things, and do as he is told.
Such a man, it is speculated, could be Brian Molefe, the CEO of Eskom, with Sifiso Buthelezi, newly sworn in MP, as his deputy.