By Alec Hogg
This has been my week for Americans, most of them having their first visit to this country. They all marvelling at SA’s beauty and abundant business opportunities. Quite different to the standard local fare of complaints where the media thrives on bad news and dinner parties are full of depressing stories.
Last night at the local resident’s association meeting they talked the negative so well, that we all voted to increase annual membership from R300 to R2 000 – so the committee could be provided the resources to “get things done”.
All this got me recalling why we pay so much attention to the negative. It comes from Stone Age bodies that have not evolved beyond the time when it was life saving to know this stuff – be it a lion stalking; an enemy on the prowl, etc. Scientists say we still pay ten times as much attention to bad news than good. We’re just hard-wired that way. But knowing this makes it possible to start re-wiring. Life’s so much more fun when you’re happy.
From Biznews community member Wenzile Mthiyane
I am so inspired by your judgement.
Its hard to find people of your rationale, in this country of racial prejudice.
 For as long as we have racial groups we wont grow. This is because whatever comes from other groups is “racist”.
​The less we listen the less we know (about each other).
Preach on! We will have a united New South Africa one day.
Yesterday’s top stories:
Dietitians dishing you up a daily menu of unhealthy advice?
More evidence of economic bungling: SA takes Bronze Medal in 2015 Global Misery Index
South African university makes the global top 10 in new QS rankings
Mining unions’ crazy gambit: 35 000 jobs lost in two years
Ramaphosa sells business stakes, creates billion-dollar black-owned company
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