Rock star economist Piketty: ‘BEE not that successful in spreading wealth’

Riaz Gardee attended Thomas Piketty’s lecture in Soweto, he warmed to much of what the rock star economist had to say. But once we get past emotion and self-righteousness, the crux of all this is whether resources are best applied in the common good by those who accumulate them, or by those who would requisition those assets through taxes and levies.

Alec Hogg: Top 3 essential insights from WEF 2015

Alec Hogg shares with us the most pertinent insights that he has gained from his attendance at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland this year. This is one update you don’t want to miss.

Top 10 trends for the world in 2015

The resulting insights, gathered with the help of the Survey on the Global Agenda, ultimately generate the Top 10 trends – a forecast of the key social, economic and political issues that reside on our collective horizon.