Only in South Africa can one’s emotions swing from utter desperation to elation in a matter of ten minutes. Driving to OR Tambo International last night, my blood boiled at a couple of newspaper headlines. One announcing that the crooked, unaffordable, nuclear build programme is moving ahead. The other blasting out that “Pravin is a liar – Hawks”.
It wasn’t ten minutes later that former colleague, broadcaster Xolani Gwala turned my mood on its head. Constraining himself as best he could, Gwala read a statement that told all of 702Land the country had a new national hero – Deputy Finance Minister Mcebisi Jonas had blown the lid off the Zupta network of patronage once and for all.
Yes, the Gupta family did offer him a job. Yes, he turned them down. Exactly as the Sunday Times informed us last week, joining Biznews as a recipient of a legal threat from the odious immigrants from India.
Not since Madiba has my heart pumped so proudly for a politician. Equally so for South Africa’s vibrant, free media. Next, see the other Gupta cabinet members fessing up. Starting with Mining Mosebenzi Zwane. Then Des “Weekend Special” Van Rooyen. And, of course, Zuma himself. The boil has been lanced. Now it needs a proper clean.
From Biznews community member Matthews Letlape
It is regrettable that such revelations are made during the Moody’s inspection team are in town. The ANC as the custodian of the Republic, needs to be bold and impeach the President because if they don’t do it then the voting masses won’t trust them anymore. This is the common logic which is clear and nobody can refute the facts now.