We are sometimes our own worst enemies. At a “towards its election manifesto launch rally” event on Saturday, EFF leader Julius Malema encouraged his audience to make more black babies. Because if they didn’t, he urged, “white people…will be more than us…and they will take over our land.”
Why such a ludicrous statement targeting a sliding 8.8% of South Africans? Sadly, for all the good work he has done in exposing the crony capitalist Zuptas, Malema is an entrepreneurial politician. He says anything which will garner most votes.
His weekend comments show this includes owning the “Wit Gevaar” (anti-white) electioneering message before the ANC does. Reminiscent of the “Swart Gevaar” (anti-black) fear-mongering successfully employed by the Apartheid Government.
Here’s the problem with such lies: First, they push more taxpayers past their home bias into a new home where they feel safer. Second, some of Malema’s followers will actually follow his advice. And end up. literally, holding the baby.