Got some interesting replies to my impromptu note sent our yesterday afternoon. The idea was to provide a taster of Biznews Premium and, in particular, my daily WORLDVIEW newsletter. Hope you enjoyed it. And if you haven’t done so already, reward yourself with an early Christmas gift.
The most astonishing response was from a man who repeated an obviously fake news tirade (with photoshopped pics) about US President Barack Obama – supporting it with a link to a story on, the brilliant fact checking online service. In his haste to prove the case, my correspondent chose to ignore Snopes’s “False” notation beneath the headline. Oy vey.
Fake news is among the biggest challenges the world faces. It will put a premium on legitimate news brands, which will doubtless help Biznews, but also puts a responsibility on each of us to flag the BS. So next time you see rubbish being propagated on Twitter, Facebook, or some obscure website, flag it by alerting us – and The only thing that stops fake news purveyors is being exposed for who they really are.