By Alec Hogg
As we get close to the end of an outrageous year, most South Africans just want to switch off. There is only so much on corruption and abuse one can absorb. But before you let bad news fatigue master you, please look at two important pieces on Biznews.
The first involves Standard Bank’s unprecedented exposé in court of political abuse. The bank’s full affidavit is embedded to read at your leisure. And while you’re gasping at the arrogance of the Zuptas, consider how carefully Standard would have considered the consequences of its action. And would surely have sought blessing from its biggest shareholder, China’s ICBC.
The second must-read story is also drawn from a matter in court. It exposes how the Zuma Administration created a new trade union (WAU), funded by taxpayers, to spy on anti-ANC labour movements. Now the money has dried up, the pawns have launched a civil suit against Zuma and his pals.
By comparison, Watergate and SA’s own Info Scandal were sideshows. But for SA, it’s just another new story for another new day. You can’t make this stuff up.