When the definitive book is written on a band of hardy individuals who shielded South Africa from being overwhelmed by State Capture, Paul O’Sullivan’s name will feature prominently. Courageous, direct and gifted with an analytical mind, O’Sullivan was the nemesis of two Police Commissioners and an army of other bad actors.
What makes his efforts even more remarkable is that Paul and his colleague at Forensics for Justice, Sarah-Jane Trent, did their amazing work on a shoestring. Or, more accurately, by subsidising their sleuthing and court actions from their own savings. Some, including members of the Biznews community did help, but donations only covered a fraction of the total costs.
With that background I’m sure you’ll join me in wishing O’Sullivan the luck of Irish forebears in his ambitious property development on the island of St Helena, Imperial Britain’s favoured destination for enemies including Napoleon Bonaparte (who died there) and 6,000 Boers. O’Sullivan, who made his fortune in property development before chasing crooks full-time, is developing a 162 hectare golf estate on the tropical island.
His plans are spearheaded by a proposed Mackenzie & Ebert-designed golf course. He is already the island’s largest private investor and is determined to be what he calls “the principle catalyst to create a sustainable economy with high value, low volume tourism.” St Helena was already on my bucket list. It has just moved up a few places.