Am engrossed in a book called The Ride of a Lifetime, the autobiography of Walt Disney Company’s CEO Bob Iger. The bossman of the $250bn group is one of the highest rated business leaders of modern times. His book is an easy read, full of personal anecdotes and ideas.
Right up front, Iger lists 10 principles that “strike me as necessary to true leadership. I hope they serve you as well as they serve me.” Topping the table is something South Africa needs more than ever right now.
I’m hoping SA’s bookworming president Cyril Ramaphosa picks up his own copy of the book. But just in case he struggles to find a copy, here’s the word leading Iger’s leadership principles: Optimism.
The Disney chief describes optimism as “a pragmatic enthusiasm for what can be achieved. Even in the face of difficult choices and less than ideal outcomes, an optimistic leader does not yield to pessimism. Simply put, people are not motivated or energised by pessimists.” So keep the faith Cyril and SA will follow your example.