You could have blown me over with the proverbial feather. While preparing for today’s monthly Biznews Portfolio webinar, a strange thing emerged. Strange, that is, if you’ve been paying attention to Mr Market’s shrill disciples and their predictions of doom and gloom. Something investors always do best to ignore.
I double checked the numbers to be certain, but there it is: despite the massive stock market wipeout, our portfolio has barely moved. The US stocks mostly held their ground. A sharp drop in the Rand shielded those that have fallen, Of the local holdings, Naspers is unchanged while Richemont’s drop was relatively modest.
I’ll be updating Biznews Premium members about the latest share market developments at 12:30 SA time today. If you haven’t yet signed up, here’s as good a reason as any to take advantage of the 30-day free trial. Click here for details. If you are already a subscriber, don’t miss out – click here to register.
While we’re on the subject of webinars and Covid-19-proof investments, our business partners Orbvest – specialists in US medical property investments – are also hosting a webinar for investors tomorrow at 7pm. All welcome, but you do need to register beforehand – click here to do so.
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