The English town of Woking is well known among South Africans for having housed the global headquarters of what used to be SABMiller. Among bookworms, however, it is where science fiction writer HG Wells wrote many of his bestsellers, including the timeless War of the Worlds.
Written in 1897, the classic’s storyline revolves around earth’s invasion by Martians. Recent reactions to mankind’s war against Covid-19 reminded me of the part where fearful humans on the dockside cheered as the battleship Thunderchild steamed through waves to engage the invaders. Sadly, to no avail.
That scene kept coming back to me last week as Mr Market went wild at news of the US’s massive cash injections to offset the economic destruction wrought by Covid-19. After three stimulus packages, lawmakers are already planning the fourth. Hopefully the US Government is more successful than Thunderchild. We’ll only know in time.
Of more immediate relevance is how SA’s lockdown has turned working remotely into a hot topic. I’ll be hosting a webinar on the subject midday Wednesday with author and relationship expert Paula Quinsee and Henley SA Dean Jon Foster-Pedley. It’s free, but you need to register beforehand – click here. To whet your appetite, here’s the link to one of Paula’s TedTalks. Look forward to having you with us then.
Comment from Biznews community member James Bourhill:
Woking was also where the South African forces were based for training during the First World War before being sent to France and Flanders.
Comment from Biznews community member Jonathan Cramp:
The pub in Woking where HGW wrote his best work is the Bleak House (or Sands as its now called). Its almost opposite the McLaren factory who have made great efforts in transforming their Formula One and Supercar production facility in making ventilators for the NHS.