Dr Jo Barnes freely admits that she and fellow epidemiologists don’t win popularity contests. That comes with the territory when you’re pointing out things nobody wants to hear. But playing the party pooper is just fine for the Stellies Medical School inmate – being popular isn’t her thing anyway.
As science’s equivalent of bomb disposal technicians, epidemiologists are tasked with finding and then working out how to prevent contagious diseases creating havoc. They do this by researching and then presenting unburnished facts to those whom society makes responsible for executing policy.
Not having to charm their audience delivers another advantage: epidemiologists have no need for diplomacy. A fact that’s rather obvious as you listen to our interview (click here to access:Â https://iono.fm/e/871142). High quality rational thinking offering fresh clarity. Rare in Covid-19 confusion.
* Don’t miss my colleague Jackie Cameron’s inaugural Finance Friday webinar at noon where guests Dawn Ridler and Erwin Rode will answer questions on moneycraft and house prices. It is open to all, but you do need to sign up beforehand. Register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6648903351154972941.
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