An email yesterday from activist Terry Crawford-Browne brought to mind another of my favourite quotes. Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw wrote in his 1903 satirical comedy Man and Superman: “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”
Whatever critics think of him, none will dispute that Crawford-Browne is truly “an unreasonable man”. And tomorrow his decades-long persistence pays off big time when former SA president Jacob Zuma gets to tell the court why, 20 years ago, he “sold his soul” for a reported R4m to grease the wheels of the infamous $4.8bn Arms Deal. Crawford-Browne reminds us Zuma says he won’t go down alone. The nation may be in for an interesting few days.
We’ll be doing something progressive ourselves at noon today in the weekly Rational Radio hour, our 100% investment-focused webinar for Biznews Premium members. If it works, expect a repeat tomorrow with the monthly webinar updating our successful Biznews Share Portfolio webinar (again, only for subscribers – if you want to join, details of the 30 day free trial are here:Â
Webinars have many advantages, among them the ability to pose written questions while the event is in progress. Today we hope to raise that a notch by opening microphones of attendees so they can physically join the conversation. Featured guests are David Shapiro, Dr Adrian Saville, Brett Duncan and Ricco Friedrich. Premium members can register for the webinar here: https://attendee.
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