Kicking off my inbox sharing with a couple of short notes from KZN community members. Starting with Andrew Hancock from Pietermaritzburg……
“Citizens held the line while the State went AWOL –”…..That’s exactly what happened. It’s a small statement with such impact. Without the community taking courage and standing strong, so much more damage would have been inflicted. Pmb, Liberty Mall, Athlone Circle, Parklane Centre, Bluff Meat Supply, TWK to name but some still standing because of us. The courage, the commitment and I may add the mixed race groups that all stood of one mind and one goal was an ignition to the soul. It has given me a hope where the politicians and law enforcement have failed. I am proud to be a part of those I stood with.”
With the second one from Jon Bates, whose family owns one of our favourite breakaways, the very special Fordoun Hotel and Spa just outside Nottingham Road. The advertising icon (remember Healey, Bates?) takes issue with yesterday’s reference to the Midlands town. He wrote:
“Nottingham Road is not ‘one of the hardest hit towns’. One Build It branch looted (we have three large hardware companies here), a little private bottle store, a tiny Pakistani owned cellphone and gadget shop, an Engen Quick shop and a news solar energy business. Nothing burnt other than one fire made in the middle of Main Road and quickly extinguished. Nottingham Road protected by a community of locals, white, black, rich and poor, local taxi owners, farm bakkies against a rabble (many illegal immigrants) from squatter camp who are currently quiet. The village and surrounds are visibly clean, calm and functioning, milk tankers are collecting, feeds are being delivered and in hospitality, the phones have started ringing again.”
Tourism entrepreneur Peter Smulik has more than a bone to pick with what those of us up north regard as impressive governance in his home town, the Mother City. He wrote:
It’s me again, your avid listener in Cape Town!
I listened intently to your interview with our (executive deputy mayor) Ian Neilson last night, particularly what concerns the City’s credit rating, and Ian’s objection to the negativity recently expressed by the agencies. But Ian is just looking at one side of the picture, in fact a very small part of it, the finances. Obviously extremely vital, and we are grateful for that, but he conveniently forgets, and so does the entire management of this City, that:
We no longer have of ANY public rail system after Prasa shut down completely (not the City’s fault),
We have a totally inadequate public bus transport system, and outdated by any standard,
We have a taxi transport system that functions to an extend until they (the gangs of operators) start shooting at each other,
We have a totally outdated, antiquated traffic control system,
We have an inadequate road infrastructure, equally outdated from the year dot,
Much of the effluent cleaning system breaks down every now and then, and tons of raw sewage are discharged into the sea,
The canalisation system too is strained, and totally overloaded in the townships,
The rubbish collection in the townships does not function regularly, and sewage, storm water and rubbish lie in and block the streets,
Just a couple of years ago we had almost no water supply but building regulations from the colonial days still permit newly built bathrooms with a bath tub,
We have an acute shortage of low cost housing close to work places of thousands,
There is no broadly known town planning 20, 30 or 50 years into the future,
And yes, the City is fighting with national departments to release surplus vacant parcels of ground for building purposes.
One could go on and on into more detail, but this should give you a reasonably broad overview of where we are at, from a person who is affected by some of the shortcomings on a daily basis.
From the number of letters after his name at the bottom of the email, Michael Smythe is very well schooled. His eight point plan has clearly been well considered. He wrote:
I have a suggestion for our government.
- Would they please consider the implementation of compulsory National/ Community service for all young South Africans, irrespective of race, creed, wealth etc. An initial three month basic training in the fundamentals, making your bed, washing and ironing your clothes cleaning your quarters, a degree of healthy physical activity, learning the proper history of this country , taught by impartial and objective individuals, learning another language other than English or Afrikaans and most importantly no access to smart phones during this period.
- During the initial three months, they will be permitted one home visit after the initial 8 weeks.
- They will be paid a stipend which will equate to the minimum wage.
- During the initial three months they will be exposed to and introduced to various trades, at the end of the three months they will select a trade which they are interested in.
- During the next three months , they will be trained in the trade of their choice and paid a stipend commensurate with that of an “appy”.
- At the end of six months , they will be deployed under supervision to carry out their trade on infrastructural projects that have been identified by a commission consisting of all political parties and civic organizations.
- The period of deployment will last one year, at the end of the period, if the participants wish to progress in their chosen vocation they will be given credit for any courses that they wish to enrol for at a Higher Institution, should they require funding for their studies they will be assisted on the proviso that they “give” back to the community in the form of assistance on various projects.
- Employment will be guaranteed by government and the private sector after the initial 18 month period has been completed AND the unions will not be allowed to interfere. I believe that a programme like the one suggested above would provide a sense of purpose and belonging to our youth and build a better South Africa for all. Maybe allocate all the cash recovered from State Capture for this purpose.
Finally today, an ouch. Jacqui Moskovitz sent this email referencing a video that should remind all of us that the world really is watching our antics.
Hope this video goes viral to all those that need to hear this!
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