Jared Watson: Shining new light on Gavin Watson’s untimely death

For some time, chartered accountant Jared Watson had been working with his uncle, the late Gavin Watson of Bosasa fame, on a submission for a confidential SARS tax inquiry. They were together on Sunday evening and were to meet the next morning to drive together to put the final touches onto the 400 pages of documents with attorneys in Pretoria. Gavin Watson was due to re-appear before the inquiry today – but was found dead in a crashed car near the OR Tambo airport at 5am on Monday morning. In this riveting interview on this week’s Rational Radio show, Jared speaks of his uncle’s death and the Bosasa saga, and dismisses a Times Live report quoting an unnamed source at SARS that Gavin Watson had spirited R500m into a Guernsey trust account: “I looked after Gavin’s financial affairs so if he did something like that, I would have known about it. If such money does exist, whoever finds it is welcome to keep it.” – Alec Hogg

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