In a year marked by intense debates on crime and law enforcement, BizNews brought you the unfiltered voices at the forefront of South Africa’s policing challenges. From Ian Cameron’s relentless advocacy for community safety, to Fadiel Adams’ fiery critiques of systemic failures, and Patricia Mashale’s courageous whistleblowing, these interviews captured the raw truth behind the headlines. This compilation showcases the most powerful moments from our 2024 policing interviews, featuring insights that challenge the status quo and inspire action. Don’t miss this deep dive into the voices shaping the fight for accountability and justice in South Africa.
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The seventh BizNews Conference, BNC#7, is to be held in Hermanus from March 11 to 13, 2025. The 2025 BizNews Conference is designed to provide an excellent opportunity for members of the BizNews community to interact directly with the keynote speakers, old (and new) friends from previous BNC events – and to interact with members of the BizNews team. Register for BNC#7 here.
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Read also
- Ian Cameron breathes fire – accuses ANC of turning SA into a “slaughterhouse”
- Cameron exposes “horrific” working conditions in SAPS – after another cop killing…
- Ian Cameron vows accountability and hope as new Police Committee Chair
- Ian Cameron goes after “porn” General
- SAPS “Mafia”: The “biggest gang” in the country – charges laid against top cops…
- I know I am going to be killed by the police – SAPS Whistleblower