At a Berkshire Hathaway AGM in Omaha some years back, I acquired the best coffee table-sized book ever. Called “Poor Charlie’s Almanack” for Warren Buffett’s wingman Charlie Munger, it’s the one that gets pulled most often.
Also read:ย Alec Hogg: My half hour with Clem Sunter, the ultimate fox
This 512-page tome of wisdom has opened many fresh paths of inquiry, a favourite being research into Munger’s all-time hero, 18th century American polymath Benjamin Franklin. Indeed, the book itself is modelled on Franklin’s creation, “Poor Richard’s Almanack”, which he published for 25 years from 1733.
A habit acquired from studying Franklin’s life has been to replicate his lifelong practice of focusing each week on a different one of 13 “virtues”. This week’s one is “Industry – Lose no time. Always be involved in something useful. Cut off all unnecessary actions.”
Also read:ย Alec Hogg: High frequency trading puts retail investors into penury editor Jackie Cameron and her highly engaged team most definitely live this virtue. Last night they burned the midnight oil to ensure the smooth launch of our two new products – the BizNews Weekly PDFย and Episode One of theย Inside Investingย podcast series. This morning nobody could be prouder of their colleagues than I am.
For your attention today…….
Please download the new products mentioned above and let us know what you think –
* The BizNews Weekly PDF (which also contains links to a treasure chest of additional info – and is real easy to share):
* Episode One of the Inside Investing podcast:
Webinar alert……
* In the Finance Friday webinar at noon today Jackie Cameron hosts Dawn Ridler, an independent financial advisor, and Hermann Pretorius of the IRR, who explains why a dry-sounding government policy on pension investments hit mainstream media this week. Here’s the registration link:ย
* Please don’t forget the members-only webinars early next week:
– On Monday at noon the in-focus CEO in our Rational Radio webinar is Alan Pullinger of FirstRand. SA’s top financial sector analyst Kokkie Kooyman joins David Shapiro to pose the tough questions. Here’s the registration link:ย
– Tuesday at noon is my monthly report back on the BizNews share portfolio, again only for Premium subscribers. Register here:ย