In 2017 when the forces of darkness appeared in absolute control of South Africa, we published some Biznews community members’ version of Martin Luther King’s iconic “I have a dream….” speech. Thuli Madonsela got the ball rolling quite brilliantly, and reading it again yesterday was just as inspiring as two years ago (read her contribution here)
The death last week of iconic entrepreneur and philanthropist Ronnie Lubner reminded me how often we only remember the best of our species after they’ve gone. We’d like to do something about that. So, our 2019 New Year project is to honour those who would otherwise not be recognised – often everyday folk whose lives and example inspired members of our community.
If there’s someone special who has inspired you, a school teacher/scoutmaster/colleague/boss and whose story would inspire others, please share it with us by writing about them (up to 800 words) and sending it to [email protected]. The only proviso is they need to still be alive. It’s an opportunity to publicly express gratitude while they’re still around to read it.
We’ve got a sizeable community, so probably won’t be able to publish all contributions. But that shouldn’t stop you. The act of just writing down how someone changed your life makes the exercise worthwhile – and better if you also send it to them. Time to channel your inner Charles Dickens. There can surely be few better ways to start this new year. To get the ball rolling, you can read my contribution on BizNews which focuses on my inspiration: Warren Buffett.