The Daily Insider: A Ukrainian tale – exposing the many lily-livered fools

One cannot over-estimate lessons the people of Ukraine are delivering to the appeasing West. This weakness, just like Chamberlain in 1938, created a monster – this time the nuclear-trigger-happy Russian president-for-life who truly believes it’s his right to murder thousands of fellow Slavs to enforce his delusions of recreating a Soviet empire.

Very public displays of Ukrainian courage we now see everywhere contrast starkly with a Western world awash with spoilt, woke posers whining about “micro-aggressions”. Real aggression, as the WSJ editorial board pointed out yesterday under the title Ukraine Leads The World, is a tank rolling down your street.

In a replay of those vanishing SA Policemen last July, Ukrainian action has exposed puffed-up pundits for the lily-livered fools they truly are. Just last week, for instance, The New York Times editorial team described Ukraine’s leader Volodymyr Zelensky as ‘The Comedian-Turned-President In Seriously Over His Head’. When the US offered to help Zelensky leave Kyiv to escape possible assassination, he famously responded with “I need ammunition, not a ride.”

As a South African, I was delighted to read the initial report from DIRCO which excoriated Russia’s invasion of a sovereign nation. Then appalled as the ANC, led by its president, backtracked into neutral territory. Evidence once again that SA, like many other countries, is blessed by its people but cursed by its leaders. A description which, clearly, does not apply to Ukraine. Roll on 2024.

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Comment from BizNews community member Deon Schoeman:

Morning, Alec,

I am so relieved that others feel the same as I do about the courage of the Ukrainian people and the exposure of the poor leadership we are cursed with.

I was saddened, then disgusted by the thought that our flippy floppy president (he who promises but never delivers) would even consider backing that madman Putin. But back him he did by instructing his lackey Pandor to enjoy champagne with their embassy whilst Putin’s countrymen slaughter innocent civilians.

Methinks it is time for a change in South Africa.

(Glad I got that off my chest – it’s been bottled up since July) !!!

Kind regards.

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