By Gerhard Papenfus
Does the ANC’s sluggish manner of dealing with its own affairs, not give ‘permission’ to their supporters to similarly deal with the responsibilities entrusted to them? Does this attitude of simply not attending to priorities and responsibilities, not explain the failure of each and every institution to which the ANC deploys its cadres?
It is public knowledge that, in respect of its Luthuli House headquarters, the ANC has not paid over employee tax, UIF and skills development levies, although it was deducted from the salaries of employees. This is a criminal offence.
It appears that this is also the case in respect of provident fund deductions, at least for a certain period.
Why is this an issue? Why is that our problem? In fact, some may even be quite jubilant about the ANC’s woes. But this conduct has become a national problem; this style of conducting affairs has fed through to every Government department, state owned institution, SOE and every municipality where the ANC is in control.
It is deeply concerning when the ruling party illustrates such a profound disregard for their own institutions; setting such a poor example.
South Africa experiences an attitude problem, partly as a result from the example set by the ANC leadership. Millions just don’t take responsibility – for anything; not for themselves; their families, their communities or surroundings. They expect that things be done for them, without them taking any responsibility; and when things don’t happen for them or to their satisfaction, they blame others and, in some cases, even destroy their surroundings.
Where does this sick attitude come from? Who is responsible for the weakening of all our institutions, not only by this ‘don’t care’ attitude, but even worse, a ‘break-it’ attitude? It comes from the ‘top’, where indecisiveness to deal with wrongdoing increases boldness on the side of the perpetrators, where doubtful characters are not only tolerated in positions of leadership, but even promoted; where cadres, for whom self-interest is the only priority, are appointed to positions of leadership.
Luthuli House, unfortunately, not only in respect of this incident, is the moral compass for their followers. No wonder South Africa is lost.
- Gerhard Papenfus is the Chief Executive of the National Employers’ Association of South Africa (NEASA).
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