Protests in Senekal on farm murders have once again brought the topic of emigration to the fore. In ‘Senekal protests: What they’re telling us about farm murders, land grabs, emigration – analyst’, Michael Morris of the IRR discusses the potentially devastating impact of farmers leaving South Africa.
“Two truths are plain. The first is that South Africa’s hopes of economic recovery hinge on farmers not going anywhere, and the same is true of every other loyal, enterprising and law-abiding category of the populace. The second is that, as long as it is resolved to threaten property, or tell farmers they are not welcome, the ANC is assured that its hopes of recovery will not go anywhere either – and, it inevitably follows, the same is true of its own fate as an effective presence in South African politics.”
In ‘Emigration alarm: SA’s rich get set to leave in droves – IRR‘, Gerbrandt van Heerden writes that dollar millionaires are already leaving South Africa at a steady rate. “Not only does this represent a loss in tax terms, as the rich take their investments and money elsewhere, but it points to what could be a worrisome trend; the exodus of elites before complete economic and social collapse in countries which ended up becoming failed states.”
Read also: South Africa emigration – is the time now?
This harsh reality has a few BizNews community members blaming the ANC for pushing citizens away with poor and corrupt governance.
So many superbly skilled people (of all races) have left. The first thing they appreciate when emigrating is how other countries welcome and value them – something they have not experienced in SA for a long time. Once they settle, many go on to start companies and create jobs. South Africa desperately needs these people yet we hand them over to countries that don’t really need them on a platter. These countries must think we are mad and they are right.”
“When you see the indifference to this as well as the hell bent intention to institute EWC you have to believe that it is in fact ANC policy to make SA as unattractive as possible so that wealth, capitalist, freethinkers or ‘troublemakers’ leave.” – Oh Boy
Precisely as planned. Let’s stop make-believing that the cadres care. They do not, it is all by design.” –
The ANC et al want a communist type state that is undemocratic (democracy is an odious western construct). They want this so that they can have an elite that can loot and steal without accountability and keep the masses oppressed and poor.”
The ANC are only concerned with self enrichment! They don’t care if the country becomes a poverty stricken failed state!
— KimAU (@KimAU62) October 12, 2020
Hulle is laaaaannnnkkkaaalllll weg.
— Dirk Losman (@DirkLosman) October 12, 2020
For sure Alex. Arrived in Scotland today and self-isolating for 14 days.
— Andrew Donaldson (@DonaldsonGlobal) October 12, 2020
Regrettably, the ANC think that you have to break the economy totally in order to transform. They are breaking the economy and producing less transformation, just corruption.”