Former Oxford University don RW Johnson has yet again applied his mind to what could happen in 2016, this time looking for the good news story. And in typical Johnson style it’s another brilliant analysis of what the past few weeks has brought to a country that is facing it’s first publicised racial crisis since Democracy. It’s a tale of how the ANC, Iqbal Surve and the Cape Times will defeat imperialism, which is heading South after fighting battles in Angola and Zimbabwe, his good news story for 2016… Roll on 2017. The article was first published on the website Cape Messenger and it’s some classic satire from Johnson. – Stuart Lowman
By RW Johnson
Readers of the Cape Messenger should be apprised of the good news for 2016 which is that thanks to the valiant efforts of the ANC, Iqbal Surve and especially the Cape Times, the forces of imperialism in South Africa will be decisively defeated.
Politically conscious readers will already have noted that the Opposition to Cde Maduro and the progressive forces of Chavismo in Venezuela have just won a two thirds majority in parliament there. The forces of socialism are clinging on against this large popular majority, 200% inflation and a shortage of virtually all consumer goods. This is a case where anti-majoritarianism is obviously justified.
Not far away Cde Dilma Rousseff is under threat of impeachment in Brazil simply because of the coincidence that she was in charge of the state oil company, Petrobras, when it was looted of many billions of dollars. Again, the progressive forces are clinging on despite the action of the imperialist credit rating agencies in downgrading Brazil to junk bond status. We are confident that in the interest of BRICS Cde Rousseff will dispense with bourgeois notions of so-called “due process” and remain President.
Finally, American tourists are again beginning to throng in Cuba and there are ominous signs that they are bringing the imperialist Coca Cola culture with them. Our Cuban comrades are also clinging on: happily they have thus far been able to exercise proper socialist control of the Internet. This is a lesson to progressive forces round the world and their example is being closely studied here at home. There is already much evidence that open internet access allows all manner of reprehensible bourgeois ideas of so-called personal liberty to flourish. Once again our Cuban comrades lead the way!
Read also: RW Johnson: Key 2016 questions – will “unfire-able” Gordhan act decisively?
Even our Chinese comrades have felt the sting of imperialism as so-called “market forces” have resulted in repeated falls on the Chinese stock market. We are confident that the forces of socialism will turn this around and produce further stock market gains.
As thoughtful comrades have long been aware, the forces of imperialism are also massing in Southern Africa. What the imperialists and their local lackeys want is nothing less than regime change in such countries as Angola (where Cde Dos Santos has been doing a sterling job since 1979) and Zimbabwe (where Cde Mugabe has held the fort equally well since 1980). And now the imperialists have extended their action to South Africa. Can it really be an accident that in one and the same month Penny Sparrow has been attempting to rally the estate agents of the KZN South Coast behind her programme for regime change in Scottburgh, while Chris Hart has been carrying out similar counter-revolutionary efforts in Gauteng and Gareth Cliff has carried the reactionary message to the Idols programme which is part of our rich national TV heritage?
Read also: Meet RW Johnson: The man whose book may alter SA’s destructive trajectory
Of course, the liberal anti-majoritarians will insist that these are all separate incidents but, comrades, we know better. We know a counter-revolutionary conspiracy when we see one. There has even been an attempt to tarnish the good name of our local ANC leader, Marius Fransman, with a so-called “sexual harassment” case. Is there anything the imperialists will not stoop to? Yet nothing is more certain than that under the inspirational leadership of Cd Iqbal Surve the progressive forces will overcome all these challenges, will unmask the reactionaries in our midst and thus bring 2016 to a triumphant conclusion. So the message we bring is let us quickly get over these minor obstacles. It would be better for everyone if 2016, with all its difficult challenges like the so-called “local elections”, could simply be put to one side. So let us all get ready to welcome 2017!