Always armed with a ‘glass half full’ outlook, even optimist Rob Opie admits that 2020 wasn’t an easy year for anybody. Covid-19, continuous corruption and a downtrodden economy are reason enough for any South African to have a despondent outlook on the future of the country. As the Covid-19 infections are on the rise – and the vaccine outrage continues – it would seem that 2021 isn’t off to a good start, either. Opie, however, is confident in his positive forecast. Below, the brand strategist goes through three things – which he anticipates will help South Africa ride out the second Covid-19 wave. Is there light at the end of tunnel for South Africa? Rob Opie certainly thinks so. – Jarryd Neves
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Three things to help us ride out the second Covid wave together
By Rob Opie*
2020 was not an easy year for any of us, but at the end of the Covid tunnel shines a light that we as fellow South Africans can look forward to.
Our president continues to lead with distinction in adverse times

I wonder if our president has had one day off since the outbreak of the pandemic?
While other leaders around the globe have faltered – some even being removed from office – President Cyril Ramaphosa has stood tall.
He has listened to both sides of the equation, always seeking to find the right balance between saving jobs and saving lives. His intentions have always remained clear to our nation.
Many have questioned the need for the harsh lockdowns, but often these opinions have quickly changed when one loses a loved one – unable to even say goodbye in hospital.
It’s a fine line, but we can all be proud of our President who will continue to lead us well – and help us ride out the second wave together.
Law & Order prevails, corruption on the way out
South Africans love to flock to the beaches on the traditional beach days over the festive season.
Then came the beach ban. Would South Africans listen on these traditional days?
Yes they have.
Our police force was hardly called into action on Boxing and New Years Day.Â
It all argues well.Â
Covid 19 – and lockdown – has taught us all more about consideration, more about discipline and about the importance of ‘resetting our national culture’.
The culture of corruption that gripped our country throughout the Zuma decade may finally have fallen.
Cyril, Rassie and Siya have shown us the way forward by fostering the right culture for our nation.
Our universe will always return to a state of balance
Although our perceptions may tell us otherwise, we live in a perfectly balanced world.
Remember when Cape Town had no water? Day Zero loomed big. It was all doom and gloom.
Today, Cape Town’s collective dam percentage is above 90 %.
The universe manages things for us – as long as we do not mess up. Maybe our universe needed be put into an ‘induced coma’ – one called Covid. Now our oceans are blue, our skies are clear. We have another chance.
Balance is the key to prosperity. The universe shows us this every day.
- Rob Opie is the founder of The Game Plan. He is a brand strategist, keynote speaker, author and performance consultant to business and sports teams. This note was first published on
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