Gayton McKenzie has been a frequent feature on BizNews over the last month. From his captivating keynote session at the BNC#6 conference in Hermanus to his declaration of all-out war with the DA, McKenzie hasn’t shied away from the headlines. Given Gayton McKenzie’s and the Patriotic Alliance’s (PA) polarising notions, the BizNews community has had a lot to say about his appearances on BizNews. Some shared unwavering support for the PA leaders, others were critical of McKenzie and many wished for an end to his quarrels with the Multi-party Charter (MPC). Enjoy the curated thoughts and responses of the BizNews community to Gayton McKenzie below. Share your thoughts with BizNews via Disqus, YouTube, social media or the interactive WhatsApp channels for Premium subscribers and your comment could be featured in the next Community Speaks.
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BNC#6: Gayton McKenzie slams DA, calls for national unity – “Time to rise as South Africans” 25 March 2024
SA will only come right, when leaders decide it’s time to put the people of SA first. Not themselves…
@miguel-jesus (YouTube)
What I find so very sensless is people who want to get rid of the ANC, still support the PA. Did they PA not hand Knysna over to the ANC? The same thing will happen in the WC. A vote for the PA is a vote for the ANC.
@henrycoppens5463 (YouTube)
How does he blame the DA for not being able to remove the ANC but he gives the ANC power in multiple places
@Futurethinking2337 (YouTube)
I have never heard Gayton this fed-up with the DA and the ANC . We really need a serious introspection if we want to take this country forward.
@kennethward2537 (YouTube)
A vote for the PA is a vote for the ANC, as the PA sells themselves to the ANC for positions. Knysna and especially Theewaterskloof (Caledon, Elgin, Grabouw etc) are examples of exactly this – these are 2 former well-run municipalities now completely destroyed.
@chriscoetzer (YouTube)
I might not agree with him in other things, but I can tell that this guy is a real leader that South Africa need.
@luamboramarumo4249 (YouTube)
BNC#6: McKenzie Q&A – Ambitions for WC premier, Knysna crisis, PA expectations and more 10 April 2024
The DA, Action SA and PA can be a very powerful force against the Radicals! Please guys sort your differences out and put SA first…we desperately need your help to save us from becoming Zim.
@Clayzzy (YouTube)
The fact that the so-called business community is getting so behind this guy is just testimony to how money doesn’t buy wisdom.
@hannesbornman1045 (YouTube)
“I even speak prison language.” … Sparkling credentials to lead a country, wonder if he reflects this on his LinkedIn profile.
@johanlotter5197 (YouTube)
Unfortunately what’s happening in Knysna has cost the PA a lot of votes due to forming a coalition with the ANC and EFF, it’s hurt them bad, they put themselves first instead of Knysna.
@Truthseeker-iz3dj (YouTube)
I find it very difficult to see what Rob [Hersov] sees in Gayton. i just don’t see it!
@mossfairy3060 (YouTube)
Gayton McKenzie olive branch to DA – Let’s take hands, focus on unseating ANC 11 April 2024
What a thought provoking interview. I watched the latest two videos with Gayton McKenzie twice. I couldn’t fathom why Rob Hersov was promoting him with all his unprofessional rantings and railings against others. Have to admit I have more than a glimmer of understanding now. A powerful discussion, and Mr McKenzie makes some very astonishing claims that could well be true. This one–on-one discussion made me think there is more to the man than I thought. The “mistake” of Knysna still sits very badly, but maybe just maybe it gave him a wake-up call about coalition with ANC. He’s dead in the water with everyone going into the future if he allows more of that, as I’m sure he understands. He seems to associate his decision to give Knysna to the ANC with his respect for how Malema ‘strategically’ gave power to the DA back in 2016 , But the devastation to lives of hard working citizens of Knysna, who did not deserve to be the butt of his personal politicking for power, was horrible. To admire and emulate Malema is a fool’s pact. He leaves chaos and destruction in his wake. And in Knysna, Gayton McKenzie, in doing the same sort of politicking, did the same. It demonstrated being on-the-take to wield power selfishly and irresponsibly. He may not be on the take financially, which is hugely admirable in our current political climate, but on the take for power is not admirable either. But this man has more heart than I credited him for I think. It is very sad that our brown people have been so neglected and overlooked and very good that they have a champion in Gayton McKenzie because I think he means business. I think the DA could have done more for everyone if ANC weren’t bussing in people, and so much semi-gration and flooding into WC of job-seekers, and Pretoria didn’t hold the purse strings. But I think he sees more clearly how much his people have, and are, suffering, and he is a very strong voice for them now. If this man has spoken truly in this interview, and the heart I now saw is for real, then he is sorely needed in South Africa. But he can’t do it alone. He needs the MPC as much as they seem to need him. What a fabulous platform BizNewsTv has become.. Really appreciate the exposure Alec Hogg and team give to raw truth seeking. This interview is a prime example. I really hope it proves true. Something in me believes him. Interesting times.
@soaronwingslikeeagles7982 (YouTube)
You gave my city Joburg to ANC and EFF. You lost much trust for doing that kak
@allanxu228 (YouTube)
Gayton flip flops like Julius NO TRUST THERE
@marcone123ish (YouTube)
Oh please, as he has shown over and over again in municipal coalitions, he will always sell out to the highest bidder. He talks a good fight, but is so clearly in it for what he can loot and plunder. Trust this gangster at your own peril.
@shaunjayes8842 (YouTube)
I agree. All the party’s must stop bad mouthing each other and stand together.
@Gatvol9674 (YouTube)
Mr Mackenzie got my vote, I don’t agree with everything he says, but He strikes me as a very rational being with Character.
@jan-gertnel4556 (YouTube)
Listen to this guy and Corne Mulder, without the PA we will not beat the ANC and EFF.
@Straightdeal (YouTube)
I will vote for you if you if you support the DA alliance. We have to destroy the ANC/EFF/MK threat to this country. I would also support you for premier or president. But we need to know where your loyalty lies ???
@nielwilliams4687 (YouTube)
Gayton declares all-out war on the DA… 28 April 2024
Gayton may be good,and able to do what he says. The problem is succession. There is no organization behind him. The DA may be “boring”,but they are doing the job at all levels.
@radient37 (YouTube)
Why I Cannot Vote For Gayton Mckenzie, Citizen Concerned, YouTube.
@tonitappous2422 (YouTube)
If the DA has done as well as they claim to have done in the Western Cape, why are they afraid of the PA?
@rendaninemavhidi1554 (YouTube)
The DA should be unifying with the PA, I Hope Gayton will be the better person and disregard the DAs stupidity with the context of this conversation… Please Gayton continue to extend the olive branch. I thought we are all together against the ANC ,come now DA play proper or you’ll lose more votes.
@roryadendorff8151 (YouTube)
Insults are irrelevant. If you are a patriot, then you want to do the best for South Africa. Not anyone’s ego
@vssprc (YouTube)
South Africa needs someone like Gayton who is not afraid to take decisions, the DA is running scared, so scared that they will make a deal with the devil (anc) and that will be the end of the DA
@daviddavey4894 (YouTube)
All I don’t understand – is the Western Cape works.. at least better than any other province. Why not mobilize all the people in the NORTHERN CAPE and the EASTERN CAPE and take wards in trouble there and fix them ?
@karien.dewaal (YouTube)
Stop talking about the DA and start fighting the common enemy!
@RenaldoG (YouTube)
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