Seize the Vote – a strategy for the disenchanted

Being a former soldier in the armed struggle seriously elevates the status of any comrade in the ANC. Here another ex-combatant, albeit considered by the ruling party as from the ‘other side,’ a former SADF parabat no less, takes up the civilised political cudgels. The obvious question is this; has he any less rights by dint of being a former combatant? It’s one he eloquently addresses with his strategy to return South Africa to the democracy it deserves. Mohandas Gandhi argued there is never moral high ground in violence – and we ignore his legacy at our peril. Among the tactics suggested by this documenter of the controversial Battle of Cassinga in Angola, are the following; Publicise the huge cut government takes in the form of taxes on commodities that even people on Social Grants have to pay, thus dispelling the “Robin Hood,” fantasy that the ANC is taking ‘White man’s money,” to help the poor. Get retailers to include on their price tags the amount government takes. Then, in an echo of the EFF’s “Pay back the money,” he suggests dishing out some of the reclaimed Zuma-era stolen trillions to inarticulate, enraged and betrayed voters – and using it to beef up the Asset Forfeiture Unit. Read on for more… – Chris Bateman

Seize the Vote

By Mike McWilliams*

South African opposition parties are ignoring heavily-laden branches of low-hanging fruit in their fight against a venal, immoral and kleptocratic ruling party.

The problem

The ANC has stolen well over a Trillion Rand meant for infrastructure, maintenance, education and all the other services governments are supposed to deliver to its people, but hasn’t.

The party has promised much, but delivered little and its voters are caught in inarticulate rage. Told that Apartheid was a crime against humanity, they find that their own version of Apartheid is even worse than the original. ANC voters are burning schools, trains, trucks and anything else of value in impotent fury at the unmet promises made to them by self-serving party members.

Opposition parties must marvel at the loyalty of voters who are stolen from and betrayed on an ongoing basis for a quarter century, yet still install the same people time after time into the positions that enable them to keep doing the same obscene things to the people.

Can these voters really be bought by empty promises, a food parcel and a T-shirt?

Evidently, they can. However there are other things at play here. Most importantly, the ANC has over the years, let the voters believe that all the money they steal is taxpayers money and everyone knows that this is really White people’s money.

Read also: The voter conundrum unpacked – Steven Friedman

ANC politicians and particularly the Communist element in that party, have worked hard to appear as Robin Hoods, stealing from the White rich to pay the poor in social grants and the other funds that trickle down to the man in the street.

This illusion has enabled the ANC politicians to maintain their kingly lifestyles without igniting a revolution by the real victims, the voters.

The solution

First, the South African voter needs to be told that the money being stolen is actually their money.

An education campaign must be run that shows the man in the street how much is being taken from him in taxes, direct and indirect. For the last quarter century, the average voter has been led to believe that the White man is the only loser as it is predominantly his taxes that are being stolen.

Those citizens who are on Social Grants believe that they exist on money taken from White people and redistributed to the poor and that this will stop if Whites ever regain power in SA.

Phase 1: A public tax education campaign

An ongoing press and media programme of publicising the huge cut government takes in the form of taxes on commodities that even people on Social Grants have to pay, will over time, show how theft of money from the treasury is in fact theft from every SA citizen.

Break down a taxi fare into Fuel Levy, Road Accident Fund, Taxi finance, maintenance , drivers wages and operator profits and show the huge portion the government takes from every taxi fare paid.

The same should be done with alcohol, cigarettes and other taxed commodities that gives the government a bite from the poor man’s cake.

GST is another hidden tax that the man in the street ignores and he must be educated in how much he funds a government that gives so little in return.

This education campaign can be greatly helped if retailers can be persuaded to include the government cut on all price tags. Instead of trying to persuade retailers to participate in an illegal tax revolt, asking them to show the extent of governments greed is more likely to be successful.

Phase 2: An offer difficult to refuse

We have seen over the years, how the ANC have been able to buy the vote of many, who would not otherwise vote for them, by the offer of cheap food parcels and T-shirts and the empty promises of an improvement in the quality of life.

The political party that offers the SA voter the money that has been stolen from them over the years has a mighty weapon against the kleptocrats and thieves in government.

To offer the certainty of a refund to every voter on the voters role, of money recovered from those who misappropriated it, will appeal to anyone who has been a victim of government theft.

PREMIUM: Worldview: SA’s low voter turnout – what if everyone did vote?

The Asset Forfeiture Department will be greatly expanded with prosecutors and detectives and become a mighty arm of justice and retribution in SA.

Blanket lifestyle audits will recommend confiscation of money and assets from anyone who cannot adequately explain their wealth.

An initial string of prosecutions and jailing of high-profile ex-cabinet members and MPs will encourage deal-making between the state and criminals so as to more easily recover the stolen funds.

A running total of moneys recovered should be publicized in the media and a quarterly payout, split equally among all people on the voters role instituted. This payout to work exactly the same way as voting except a cash payout is received instead of a ballot paper.

An unbeatable election story to tell

The party that seizes the opportunity to use this strategy will have an unbeatable and irresistible story to tell. Politicians with unexplained wealth can be publicly targeted and asked awkward questions.

Estimates can be made of the amounts recoverable on sale of assets. Auctions of motor vehicles, properties and the freezing of bank accounts will make terrific news items and create a constant air of excitement in pre-election debate.

Even the financial implications of the scheme will create great public interest.

Some of the money recovered will go towards funding the newly enlarged and trained Justice system needed to make the programme effective.

A portion should also go back to the state so as to male up for the lack of infrastructural maintenance caused by the theft of the money in the first place.

Supplementary media campaigns

The fight back by the ANC will be considerable, both because the party’s deployed cadres will want to hang on to their ill-gotten gains and jobs, but also because the hatred generated toward the party will be considerable.

The party that uses the strategy suggested above, must be prepared for a total onslaught against their programme from the ruling party.

All that is left to the ANC are accusations of racism and the threat of the removal of Social Grants if the ANC lose power.

The ANC is a crime against humanity

Although this tactic was used by the ANC against the Apartheid regime, it proved to be of great propaganda value and is used till today to demonize any effective opposition emanating from those who were in any way connected to the Apartheid government.

What is never mentioned, is that this UN resolution was only voted for by the Communist block countries and other disreputable regimes around the world.

The reputable Western countries actually abstained from the vote.

Now is the time for an effective opposition party to re-institute the Crime Against Humanity Resolution, but this time, making the ANC the culprit.

The ammunition now is at least as persuasive as it was during Apartheid.

The Marikana Massacre is absolutely comparable to the Sharpeville Massacre and in some ways worse as many of those shot and killed were hunted down after the initial fusillade and murdered in cold blood at Marikana. No-one has been held to account for the murderous incidents on that day.

The Esidimeni Massacre, although deliberate was of a different nature, but by its studied neglect for those under the care of the government, just as effective a killer as the shootings at Marikana. There is no parallel to this outrage in all Apartheid’s history.

The ANC inaction towards, and positive promotion of, Farm Murders by their Kill the Farmer songs and outright support for any members supporting the killing of Whites is further evidence of their Crimes of Omission and Commission against anyone not of their party.

The historic attitude of the ANC toward AIDS is well documented with their President at the time of rapid infection, denying the efficacy of Anti Retroviral medicines to his people. The current ANC led Health Department is failing to provide ARVs to many HIV Positive patients which will lead to another plague of AIDS related deaths among their people.

It should be noted that all of these crimes mentioned above are Black on Black crimes, apart from the Farm Murders which are racially based anti-White crimes.

This means that charges that the ANC Government is a living Crime Against Humanity are not based on anti-Black accusations by white racists, but on anti-citizen behaviour.

An enormously strong case can be made in the UN for the declaration that the ANC is a Crime Against Humanity. This campaign should be launched as soon as possible.

This is a short and concise recommendation. If you feel you could benefit from it, I welcome further discussions as to how best to implement the programme.

  • Mike McWilliams, Author of Battle for Cassinga and Osama’s Angel, and President of the Parabat Veteran Organisation. 
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